While we do undertake effort to moderate listings, occasionally there still may be some fraudulent or harmful listings that get published on our service. Thus, we created this page to help you stay aware and informed of some of the most common schemes that bad actors may enact to try to harm you.
Beware of the listings where the advertiser claims to have permanently or temporarily relocated overseas and they are looking for someone to take over their rent. This is usually a scam because the advertiser resides outside the country and they will most likely ask for a payment via a money transfer service such as or similar to Western Union, MoneyGram, CashApp, or Venmo.
I have relocated to another country a few months ago and I am currently looking for someone to take over the lease since I no longer reside at the property…
Beware of the listings where rent is suspiciously low. This is usually a scam because the price is too good to be true.
A big master bedroom for rent in a newly renovated luxury house for only $200.00 per month!
Beware of the listings where the advertiser asks for a small deposit to help you "secure" this room. This is usually a scam because the advertiser tries to lure you into paying them money quickly.
A beautiful bedroom for rent in our new house for only $150.00 per week. We haven’t found a perfect tenant yet, but the demand has been very high. If you like this room you may pay us a small deposit of only $100.00 so the room can be yours!
Beware of the listings where the advertiser mentions that the payment or a deposit must be made via Western Union, MoneyGram, CashApp, Venmo or a similar service. This is usually a scam because the advertiser is most likely located outside of the country and these types of payment services are a common tool amongst scammers.
We are asking for a small, refundable deposit of $100.00 in order for us to arrange a viewing of the property. You can easily make this payment to us via Western Union.
If you suspect that the listing is fraudulent you may click the Report Ad button on the listing to let us know the problem. You may also Сontact Us with any of the questions or concerns that you may have.